Monday, June 25, 2007

2007 - Post-Graduation Mediterranean - Day 22

Day 22:

- [Train to Marrakech.] See Pyrenees as pass border. Beautiful ocean villages. Tunnels.
- Tourist info closed as enter Marseilles. Felix start flip out as no accomodations. "we'll just have to sleep in the streets" (Bonnevienne found after asking a series of stations and places.)
- Stop Montpellier four hours. Very classic French architecture. Drink wine and eat crepes.
- Asked train station info -> asked metro. Give map and told to take to Rond-Pont and bus 44
- Ask bus driver. Driver shouts and few youth in back say they go there. Difficult to converse and they seemed like a gang. Very relieved to see they get off right stop (and ask someone) and then especially when I saw sign. Was afraid they'd lead us to alley and mug us!
- Saw Montpellier acquaduct and hills from the main park.
- Felix relieved when hjear hostel is in guide books. I relieve as see HI sign in front.
- Strange mix of people in hostel. Older people too. 2 French from Morocco in room.
- Managed a conversation with then in broken French and motioning.
- Cheap and hearty food.
- Took walk to beach. Relatively close and see kite surfers, surfers, windsurfers.
- Good sunset, wind, and waves.
- Nice lights and curved beaches. Went to sleep relatively eary.

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