Saturday, January 6, 2007

2006 - First Backpacking Trip - Day 12

Day 12:

- walked around Go.
- saw fishmarked from distance.
- train to berlin. (ICE!)
- only 10 min to transfer.
- sausage, hotdog.
- nice view from the park. crowns on buildings in scand.
- train go toward sun. sun ~ 10:30 to 1:30 then long dawn/dusk.
- "ah, screw it"
- green fields, rocky outcroppings. traditional houses. saw archipelago.
- meet in Kob. they miss 11am train.
- house on rocks and rock path in marsh.
- walking paths, ocean, boats, castle, lighthouse, path.
- rock pile wall and moss. hills, towns.
- 5 candle decorations.
- ICE. glass door. 230 km/h
- book: dark boots and white laces "don't panic".
- meet brazil, give towels, clothing. 4 bed.
- story of east german nazis.

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