Monday, August 6, 2007

2007 - Post-Graduation Mediterranean - Day 64

- Walk around. Passed the Hagia Sofia replica. In church. Guilty for 1 lei and post card ticket.
- Up tower. 1st small stone and brick side tower. Creepy hallway.
- Large central tower. Cracking/uneven/shaking wood steps on metal scaffolding.
- Church bells and motors. Afraid they would ring.
- Pay at top. 4 turrets with windows. Middle tall roof. Turrets small rooms.
- Can see distant hills.
- Bought ticket and return hostel.
[cafe in Lisbon]
- Walk to train. Buy ice cream, the one I wanted to try and chips.
- chips tasted very much like roast chicken as advertised.
- Gypsy chips situation. They sell ring. I thought was begging.
(travesseiro, queijada, fofo)
- Meet Alexandru 2nd half. Talk to him and girl who was there before.
- Alexandru offer place to stay. Learn of couchsurfing in Romanian media.
- Give ride for girl. Talk about Bucharest. Not as bad as expected.
- Dinner at the caru cu bere place. La Mama full.
- Korean and very modern apartment. Chinese drawings. North Korean money.
- Fall asleep later due to birds in park.
- Driving tour. North Korean embassy.
- "these are for rich people" apartment buildings. Remind me Toronto due to highrises.
- Communist buildings (news building). Arch de Triumph. Park with lake and reflection of lights. Horrible roads in rich neighbourhood.
[Lisbon airport, 830 in morning]
- Give coins.
- Old commie block building.

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